Trying to Escape

a void defines my peace
sanity, a shred of nightmare
the key lost in clasped hands
I stand, like a shattered glass
groaning for an escape
for the sweet kiss of release
but the whip of reality
lashes me to sleep
trembling, I try to stand
like a phoenix from its ashes
but as Zeus undid Atlas
i remain chained to my burden
the spikes of hate circle
my throbbing love for life
the demons dance between my eyes
and I cumber, slowly cumber
faded memories are the smiles
gone the sweet days of yore
hell, an Elysium with fields of gold
to my phantasma of no remorse
bright it glows at the end
the sweet smell intoxicating
my legs go weak from chasing
that which one day i shall reach
Zervaan is a passionate liberal and dramatic storyteller who often feels like he has to smile even when he doesn't want to.