Monica Gandhi
May 27, 2020
An argument unattended.
Monica's powerful narrative elucidates an interesting perspective on how women find ways to subvert complex hierarchical power structure

Maulik Vidyadhar
Jan 18, 2018
Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with gold powder. This poem talks about the inferno of insecurities within our bein

Radhika Shankar
Dec 8, 2017
Broken Images
Radhika's poem raises questions about the stereotypes of conventional beauty and offers insight into the inner world of a woman who may

Snigdha Anand Prakash
Nov 17, 2017
Gair Ko Gair Kehna Behtar
A Hindi poem (with a translation) about accepting reality and how secrets can bind you to yourself, isolating you from connection.

Shachi Lavingia
Nov 12, 2017
Mental Health and Self-Love
Shachi offers us a creative, illustrated interpretation of self-love and mental health. Her doodles are motivational and give mental health

Charles Finn
Oct 29, 2017
Please Hear What I'm Not Saying
Charles Finn, the renowned American poet, chose to contribute his beautiful poem so that other's may profit from it. I am grateful and f