Mahdieh Shojaei Baghini
Apr 14, 2018
This piece unfolds a narrative of the writer's dream, as she leads us through the window to her unconscious, replete with symbolism and

Ananya Sethi*
Apr 2, 2018
A millennial paradox
A young millennial explains the paradox of keeping up appearances through social media and the burden of wearing a mask while feeling empty,

Nouman Fadra
Mar 2, 2018
This piece is about the overwhelming capacity of grief inherent in loss. Loss takes many forms- it could be a loved one, stage of life, rela

Nadine Saidi
Feb 5, 2018
When Love Multiplies
This piece is a deep appreciation for the healing power of friendship and finding a sister in an open field of love.

Maulik Vidyadhar
Jan 18, 2018
Kintsugi is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery with gold powder. This poem talks about the inferno of insecurities within our bein

Mahdieh Shojaei Baghini
Jan 5, 2018
Mahdieh writes about death, dying and how we are all troves holding one another in mind until we cease to exist.

Malvika Adukia
Dec 29, 2017
Another piece on how anxiety resides within our being, Malvika describes the voice this guest takes, how it can become a part of us and how