Jacquelline T.*
May 12, 2019
My Mother's House
On Mother's Day, this astute poet articulates the complexity of the maternal bond with profound, intuitive imagery.

Rhea Gandhi
Dec 29, 2018
5 FAQs about seeking psychological help in India.
I answer 5 questions about seeking psychological help in India.

Andrea Cutspec
Nov 17, 2018
Anxiety, Panic and I
The writer talks intimately about her relationship with anxiety, panic attacks and the looming fear of dying that follows them around.

Rhea Gandhi
Nov 13, 2018
Finding the right therapist
This is an excerpt from an original article I wrote for White Swan Foundation about practical tips to find the right therapist in India. Hav

Pranita Kocharekar
Oct 25, 2018
Therapy Sessions
This piece expresses an artist's feelings about therapeutic growth with respect to existential anxieties, through a series of thoughtful

Tuhin Mukherjee
Aug 23, 2018
In Search of Self : A Photo Series.
Tuhin uses his lens to take us through a deeply personal journey - his introspective, quiet search of self captured as a moment in his photo

Radhika Shankar
Aug 17, 2018
Radhika writes a deeply moving narrative about the silent screams of an inner monologue, showing how the chaos inside us is much more comple